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- Minha Atuação | Meusite
My Performance We are a family owned and operated business. Assist each person and their questions in an integral way (mind, body, energy), using different techniques combined with conversation sessions. In addition to unlocking at different levels, we bring up repetitive personality patterns, providing recognition and motivating the development of intimate reform, thus enabling complete personal development. We are a family owned and operated business. Bringing the fearless look to you, recognizing your characteristics and potentials. Disconnect the patient from traumatic situations in his past that are still active in his unconscious, causing symptoms, especially in cases of phobias, panic disorder, severe depressions, physical pain, feelings of loneliness, longing, abandonment, sadness for no apparent reason, which they can thus be effectively mitigated.
- Regressão de crianças e adolescentes | Meusite
Regression for Children and Teens We work with children of all ages, using the Therapeutic Regression technique, which aims to treat problems of aggression, anxiety, depression, distress, melancholy, hyperactivity, attention deficit, excessive shyness, phobias, nightmares that cause insomnia or fear of sleeping, physical self-harm with suicidal tendencies, physical difficulties, serious congenital or acquired illnesses during childhood. The Treatment consists of individual conversation sessions with the parents and the child, separately, in order to understand how family relationships materialize, and playful disconnection techniques such as drawing, painting, games, games, body expression or dramatization works , so that the child feels relaxed, calm and free to manifest and connect with his spiritual essence. Thus, it is also possible to identify spontaneous memories of past lives, through the free manifestation of children and under the intuition of their Spiritual Mentor. When the child is very small or has a handicap, it is possible to perform Regression at a distance, through the parents or a family member indicated by the psychotherapist, with the due authorization of the Spiritual Mentors of the patient. I would like to note that there is often a greater facility to access children's situations because the child's psychic and social structure is not yet formed, their level of information is still primary and, most importantly, the reincarnatory process is not yet in process. It becomes very difficult and sorry for the child to be able to concatenate his ideas, have the perception and express what he feels physically, emotionally or mentally. For this reason, the playful approach is an extremely rich tool of information to “enter” the child's universe, gain their trust and start therapy. Traditional medicine generally seeks to minimize the effects of childhood problems or to attribute them to purely physical, family or school issues. However, these environments can only be the stage for the manifestation of problems with much deeper roots, linked to past and unresolved experiences and certainly not perceived in the current existence. Another very important issue is the relationship with the parents. There is a tendency to blame for the children's problems and a feeling of bad influence. It is clear that the environment in which the child is inserted contributes to amplify or soften the spiritual baggage of the new Being. As I said, from the womb we receive the emotional and energetic charges of the environment in which we live. Our mother's interpretation of the facts that occur, as well as her fears, questions, motivations, etc., are already felt by the fetus, in addition to the DNA, which brings luggage from our ancestors and during the course of our life can come to the fore in positive processes or not, influencing our entire life trajectory, in addition to the marks attached to the astral and higher bodies, acquired over several incarnations. Thereby, Therapeutic Regression in children goes even further, making it possible to identify trends and potentialities acquired, and kept, throughout other existences, but imprinted in natural gifts or characteristics that make them a Unique Being.
- Vivências | Meusite
Através de meditação, vivências e auto reflexões vamos desenvolver e exercitar as chaves necessárias para diversas mudanças positivas. Segue abaixo eventos/vivências em andamento e já concluídas!! Heal Your Life Multidimensional
- CaptaçãoPsiquica | Meusite
Capture Psychic Therapeutic technique that works in the unconscious area, where personality / memories of past lives are located. Dissociated, these flow to the individual's energy field, influencing his behavior - being the possible cause of identity conflicts, and various obstacles. We are a family owned and operated business. The therapy aims to access these dissonant personalities / memories, crystallized in situations, in general, traumatic experienced in past lives, providing deep immersion in the unconscious. We are a family owned and operated business. We explore the psychic field by treating and clarifying all the summed aspects, which, sanitized and harmonized, no longer influence the current personality of the patient. We are a family owned and operated business. Psychic uptake allows us to access the possible causes of depression, schizophrenia, bipolarity, panics, fears, various behavioral disorders; as well as the origin of the symptoms that traditional medicine does not diagnose, such as pain and insomnia, among others. We are a family owned and operated business. The work is developed with the participation of two or three people (therapist and one or two sensitive) in the presence of the person served or at a distance. In case of distance, a report will be sent containing the entire development of the service or it can be carried out by videoconference. The positive results have proven that the opportunity to experience a dive in oneself, accessing memories, leads to self-knowledge. Consequently, this awareness, facilitates changes in repetitive patterns, in beliefs and inadequate values to live well and in balance.
- Nova Página | Meusite
Understanding how the processes take place in our mind and discharge into our body is a first step towards self-control. "Anxiety is part of the defense mechanisms of our mind to signal some different situation in our routine". Affliction, anguish, disturbance, uncertainty: all of these terms describe anxiety. The emotional change caused in reality is a natural reaction of the human organism to a situation of fear, often the feeling of not having control, doubts or expectations. So, we understand that anxiety will always accompany us, our attention must be on intensity. At the present time, in the midst of the intense flow of information, the constant search for adapting in the best way to the changes in everyday life, the demands for success in the chores, the eagerness to fit in the expectations of others or fit into the models socially admired and shown on social media, everything contributes to the imbalance. We are a family owned and operated business. Most of the time, this uncomfortable feeling is linked to the projection of the future, the person lives in a state of alert for situations that may still happen, causing suffering. Any type of uncertainty can be a "trigger" for the disorder. Unconsciously comes the sensations of: possible failure, judgment, lack of control, of not being able to solve or behave in the situation. From there, a series of thoughts of negative possibilities begins, which feed feelings and emotions, consequently anxiety. We are a family owned and operated business. I understand the process better. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. Anxiety has a lot in common with fear. The difference is that fear is triggered in an immediate and specific way, called "fight and flight reaction", and anxiety is a bodily and mental state that anticipates this reaction. The person becomes afraid before he actually exists. Remember, the brain makes no difference between what we imagine or actually happened, so when situations are anticipated to be real or imaginary and the fear of a certain unknown, threatening or strange fact to happen, the body will react with different sensations. The brain is intensely activated. We are a family owned and operated business. Shall we understand? The brain controls the physiological reactions of the body and emotions, sending information to the body through the nervous system. When we are anxious and stressed, the organ undergoes an activation of hormones and neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and adrenaline, which act as electrical triggers in the communication between neurons, causing a chain reaction. The areas of the hypothalamus in the limbic system generate a response to stress, regulating the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands, the latter releasing cortisol, known as the stress hormone, causing an agitation in the central nervous system, which in excess decreases some capacities cognitive. So we understand that anxiety is a response of the organism of a psychophysiological character that interferes in the way of perceiving, associating and responding to stimuli, functions that occur in the brain. The constancy of anxiety can also present itself in the form of forgetfulness and difficulty in concentration. We are a family owned and operated business. It is normal to be nervous or worry in certain situations and moments of everyday life, but we must pay attention to the frequency and intensity. Anxiety can also mask a trauma or belief that we have. We are a family owned and operated business. It is common for people living with the disorder to live worried, nervous, distressed and tense. Sometimes they may lose sleep and concentration, be unwilling to perform activities, and find it difficult to relax. Being aware that "WE DO NOT HAVE CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING and REDUCE SELF-CHARGING" is a means to initiate change. Self-knowledge is also a great help key in the treatment process. We are a family owned and operated business. Some tips: We are a family owned and operated business. * Work out! We are a family owned and operated business. Practicing physical activities has numerous benefits for the mind and body. We are a family owned and operated business. * Set aside time for you! Do something that gives you pleasure. We are a family owned and operated business. * Control the power. We are a family owned and operated business. Eating habits are directly related to the emotional state. There are foods that are suggested for anxiety sufferers. Some of them: Fish and lean meats, milk, eggs and lean derivatives, bananas, chickpeas, leafy dark green, cocoa and chocolate above 60%, citrus fruits, teas with sedative substances such as: chamomile, fennel, lemon balm. .. We are a family owned and operated business. * Meditation. We are a family owned and operated business. * Yoga. We are a family owned and operated business. * Acupuncture. We are a family owned and operated business. * Breathing exercises. We are a family owned and operated business. * Seek help from a psychotherapist. We are a family owned and operated business. The sessions seek to focus on everything that can work in the person's life, recognize their strengths and realize the misinterpretations in the past that have generated beliefs and traumas, helping to alleviate anxiety. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. The first step is to observe, recognize and move to get out of the process. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. MartyPeach Psychotherapist & Floral Therapist We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business.
- Consulta | Meusite
Query Reconecte-se com Você: Deixe o Passado para Trás e Encontre o Equilíbrio Inicio de uma jornada profunda de autoconhecimento, onde você pode olhar para si mesmo de uma maneira mais leve e compassiva, libertando-se de culpa e das amarras do vitimismo. Nossos encontros são criados para você acessar memórias e crenças que, muitas vezes, sabotam sua paz e felicidade. Ao ressignificar essas memórias, você experimenta um profundo alívio emocional e uma nova perspectiva sobre sua vida. Nas nossas sessões, além de uma conversa acolhedora e transformadora, você vai passar por um processo de limpeza energética profundo. Juntos, vamos equilibrar seus chakras, liberar padrões reencarnatórios que já não fazem mais sentido na sua vida, e quebrar contratos, pactos e juras que podem estar impedindo o seu avanço. Também trabalharemos na libertação da sua ancestralidade, removendo bloqueios que vêm sendo carregados ao longo de gerações. Com isso, você terá mais clareza, leveza e liberdade para viver de forma mais alinhada com a sua verdadeira essência. Os benefícios? Relaxamento físico e mental Maior clareza e foco Redução do estresse e da ansiedade Melhoria do sistema imunológico, através da limpeza profunda do DNA energético Aumento da frequência vibracional Expansão da consciência e conexão com sua intuição mais profunda Reconexão com o coração multidimensional Cada sessão é guiada pela minha sensibilidade espiritual, juntamente com a equipe de luz que me acompanha, para garantir que você receba o suporte energético e emocional necessário para a sua transformação. Ao final, você pode receber orientações e exercícios práticos para continuar evoluindo em seu próprio tempo, conforme desejar. Escolha entre uma sessão presencial ou online. Sessões de no máximo 1h15: 1 Sessão: R$ 280,00 2 Sessões: R$ 500,00
- Psicoterapia Reencarnacionista | Meusite
Reincarnationist Psychotherapy We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. Reincarnationist Psychotherapy is a modern Psychological School, which adds Reincarnation and aims to help change the vision that our persona (ego) has of childhood and life. It is intended to help find the vision that the Divine Self and our Spiritual Mentors have in this regard. We are a family owned and operated business. Adding Reincarnation to Psychology, a new Psychology is created, based on our eternal life, in the pursuit of evolution, of purification. We are no longer people, we are incarnated Spirits, we are not men and women, we are Spirits in male and female bodies, we are not white or black, we are Spirits in different colored "shells", we are not Jews, Arabs, Brazilians, Argentines, Americans , Iraqis, we are Spirits who incarnated, this time, in these countries. We are a family owned and operated business. Reincarnationist Psychotherapy aims to access past lives by making energetic and emotional disconnections, as valuable instruments to understand aspects of our path since childhood, realizing the repetition of patterns and envisioning how to transform it. There is great importance in making the energetic and emotional disconnections of past situations, however, recognizing today's personality, immersing oneself, bringing responsibility and making your choices conscious. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. Assistance is provided with conversation sessions and Sessions of Investigation of the Unconscious ( therapeutic regression) We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. Who is it for: We are a family owned and operated business. To all people who seek improvements and cures both physically, emotionally or mentally. All areas of our life can be worked on, such as: relationships, family, work, financial, health, behaviors, recurring issues, chronic pain, tiredness, exhaustion, anxiety, depression, fears, depression, social isolation, among others. Also for people who seek their intimate reform aiming at their evolution and understanding of their internal conflicts. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. Duration: We are a family owned and operated business. There is no set time, it can last for months or years, according to the objective of the assisted person. Remembering that it is a process. We are a family owned and operated business. Frequency : We are a family owned and operated business. Weekly sessions lasting 1 hour, with conversations and therapeutic regression. We are a family owned and operated business. Important notes: I) Regarding the contraindications for therapeutic regression: There are situations that are not recommended to Investigate the Unconscious (therapeutic regression), these being: We are a family owned and operated business. * People with heart problems, who have had angina, myocardial infarction, have had heart surgery, etc. * Those who had a stroke (hemorrhagic or ischemic). * Suffering from epilepsy or seizures. * Suffering from high blood pressure without medical control. * In very elderly people. * Pregnant women In these cases we use the Investigation of the Non-Personal Unconscious (carried out on another person with the same therapeutic effect and consciential benefits). We are a family owned and operated business. II) Regarding the sessions: The sessions are in person, and they can also be performed remotely through videoconference, in which case the Investigation of the Unconscious can not be carried out, but rather, the Investigation of the Non-personal Unconscious (IINP), that is, another person chosen by the psychotherapist accesses past incarnations of the person who cannot undergo the process by physical distance (other cities / states or countries in online care) or by contraindications . We are a family owned and operated business. Based on the assistance and results of the processes, we conclude that there is no loss or decrease in the effectiveness and efficiency of the technique when it is at a distance. We are a family owned and operated business. In both cases, the Investigation of the Unconscious sessions are recorded and delivered to the person served. The following sessions will be based on the content accessed in the Investigation. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business.
- E-books | Meusite
E-books Gratuitos Bem-vindo à nossa biblioteca virtual de sabedoria espiritual! Estamos empolgados em compartilhar contigo uma coleção exclusiva de eBooks inspiradores, repletos de insights profundos e práticas transformadoras. 📖 Dê asas à sua alma: Baixe gratuitamente nossos eBooks e mergulhe em temas como meditação, autoconhecimento, cura interior e conexão espiritual. Descubra segredos ancestrais, técnicas meditativas e histórias que tocarão seu coração. ✨ O conhecimento está ao seu alcance: Queremos facilitar o acesso à sabedoria espiritual, proporcionando a todos a oportunidade de explorar e expandir sua jornada interior. Equilíbrio e Prosperidade Explore práticas transformadoras que harmonizam mente, corpo e espírito, guiando você rumo ao sucesso e bem-estar duradouros. Desvende segredos para cultivar uma vida equilibrada em todas as áreas, promovendo a prosperidade genuína que transcende o material. Seja o arquiteto do seu próprio equilíbrio e trilhe o caminho para uma vida abundante e realizada. Baixar Autorreflexão Explore as profundezas da sua mente, desvende padrões de pensamento e descubra o poder transformador da autoconsciência. Este guia prático oferece ferramentas e insights para cultivar uma prática de autorreflexão significativa, promovendo o crescimento pessoal e o entendimento profundo de si mesmo. Desperte para uma nova dimensão de autoconhecimento e inicie sua jornada rumo a uma vida mais autêntica e realizada. Baixar 9 Passos para ajudar a desenvolver amor próprio Neste eBook, vamos explorar um tema fundamental para o nosso bem-estar emocional: o amor próprio. Para muitos de nós, especialmente aqueles que lidam com ansiedade, estresse e tristeza, cultivar um relacionamento saudável e positivo conosco mesmos pode parecer desafiador. No entanto, é um passo crucial para sair do piloto automático e encontrar uma vida mais plena e satisfatória Baixar Vida Acelerada, Mente Tranquila: Possível ou impossível? Em um mundo onde tudo acontece em alta velocidade, equilibrar a mente e encontrar a paz interior pode parecer um desafio. Este eBook explora a possibilidade de manter uma mente tranquila em meio à vida acelerada, abordando aspectos científicos, energéticos e espirituais. Com práticas simples e eficazes, você descobrirá como alcançar serenidade e bem-estar, mesmo diante das pressões diárias Baixar Cadastre-se no nosso site para receber as novidades Nome Sobrenome Email Inscrever Obrigado(a)!
- Terapia Floral | Meusite
Flower Therapy We are a family owned and operated business. Flower essences act on the causes and not on the effects, correcting the emotional imbalance in the energy field. They act in the mood and temperament of the user, so, instead of treating physical illnesses, they treat the emotional. As the user's vigor increases, means for his recovery emerge. Florals do not have contraindications or cause dependencies, they can be used by people of all ages. While most medications treat physical ailment with a physical substance, Florals treat the psychological or invisible cause with an invisible energy. They do not use physical matter, but the energy of flowers. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. My service is with the florals: Bach, Saint Germain, Minas and Australian, We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business. We are a family owned and operated business.
- Formulário Multidimensional | Meusite
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- Vídeos | Meusite
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